
舞蹈健身品牌Vixen Workout,课程基于Beyoncé授权的爵士舞动作,要求用户在上课前像Beyoncé一样,穿上高帮运动鞋、女性用户画上浓妆、散开头发。 每节课程通过流行舞编排,强律动的音乐,...

从产品定位来看,Abs Workout与HiFit作为两款垂直内容类应用,结合了较为轻度的健康分析与管理功能,可以满足部分对于专业性要求较低的用户,不仅提供了较为精确,难度较低的健身课程与计划,...

8. Skipping your workout 不去锻炼 Studies have shown that morning and afternoon workouts can increase a person's amount and quality of sleep — one study found that exercis...

While burnout is linked to long hours, poor work-life balance and our glamourisation of overwork, boreout happens when we are bored by our work to the point that we feel it...

还没到世界末日(先别太绝望)。 28. Keep smiling! Things will calm down. 乐观一点,事情会平息下来的。 29. Better luck next time! 希望你下回运气好一点! 30. Cheer up! Things will...

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